The Asociación Salud y Familia is promoting a cross-cutting programme that provides insight and access to the cultural heritage of Barcelona’s neighbourhoods. It is aimed at vulnerable women and families or those at risk of social exclusion from all backgrounds. The Multicultural Programme will assist vulnerable women and families in escaping from isolation, so they can make new connections, develop new interests and, ultimately, it will reinforce social cohesion. Social cohesion reinforced by culture is understood to be an element of the inner workings of democracy, as cited in the works by Xavier Martínez-Celorrio, The socioeducational empowerment of children and young people in the intercultural Raval neighbourhood and Ricard Zapata Barrero, Cultural citizenship as an approach to inclusion policies: a proposal for young people in the Barcelona neighbourhood of Raval. The Multicultural Programme will create opportunities for intercultural mixing among people from all backgrounds, enabling Time Banks members, Net of Welcoming Families for Immigrants Programme users and Mothers between two cultures Programme users to participate. You can sign up for the next intercultural outing by calling 932682453 and visiting the Facebook page under “Opportunities”, “Welcoming Families”, and “Mother between to Cultures”.
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