Error message

  • Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in user_node_load() (line 3738 of /home/saludyfamilia/www/modules/user/user.module).
  • Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in user_node_load() (line 3738 of /home/saludyfamilia/www/modules/user/user.module).
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  • Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in user_node_load() (line 3740 of /home/saludyfamilia/www/modules/user/user.module).

Leonardo da Vinci Project

Asociación Salud y Familia has been an active member of the Partnership Program Leonardo da Vinci "The legal profession in the social context: impact on lifelong learning for active citizenship of immigrants". The leading organization of this program has been the European Coordination for Foreigners’ Right to Family Life (CoordEurop) and participated as partners the Italian Association for the Right of foreigners to Live in a Family and the Association for the Rights of the Foreigners of Belgium during the period 2011-1012.

The actions developed by the Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Program were:

  • Comparative analysis of legal rules concerning the right of foreigners to family life in all and each of the participating countries.
  • Analysis of intercultural communication difficulties between legal counselling professionals and foreign users.
  • Design and testing of an innovative itinerary of continuing education for professionals that offers services to foreign users in legal guidance.
  • Development of educational tools such as case studies and questionnaires.
  • Selecting a transnational team of trainers and promoting intercultural network of legal services at European level.

You can access the various materials and reports at the European Shared Treasure (EST).

Consult the project materials.
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