European and International Projects

Childhood and the Mediterranean Project

Actions of Childhood and the Mediterranean Project

During 1996, Asociación Salud y Familia in conjunction with the non-government organization the International Solidarity Action Group organized a debate forum on “Childhood and the Mediterranean”. Furthermore, was also provided logistical and administrative support to the "International Network of AIDS education."

During 1997 Asociación Salud y Familia, with Unión de Asociaciones Casas del Mediterráneo” organized an international seminar on “Promotion of Mother and Child Health in the Mediterranean” in Barcelona.

During 1998 Asociación Salud y Familia, with “Unión de Asociaciones Casas del Mediterráneo” organized an international workshop on “Promotion of Mother and Child Health in the Mediterranean” in Barcelona. In addition, a local workshop was held on the same subject in Hebrón (Palestine) in November 1998, gone towards health and social workers who work with families, women and children.

In 1999, Asociación Salud y Familia organized an international workshop in Barcelona on “Mother-Child Health, Childhood and Development: a Mediterranean Perspective”.

During 2000, Asociación Salud y Familia organized an International Workshop in Barcelona on “Reproductive Health in the Mediterranean Area: Facts and Aspirations”

During 2001, Asociación Salud y Familia promoted a Task Force about “The Needs and Demands in Reproductive Health of Palestinian Families: Early Marriage” met in Barcelona, with the objective of promoting consensus and preparing a joint report which analyses the consequences of early marriage on the living conditions of Palestinian women and their families. Moreover, Asociación Salud y Familia organized an international workshop in Barcelona on “Co-operation in improving the quality of life of women and families in the Mediterranean area: Reproductive Health and Sexual Violence”.

During 2002 continued to operate the International Task Force on "Needs and Demands on Reproductive Health of Palestinian Families: Early marriage". Asociación Salud y Familia was an active member of the civic campaign BARCELONA X PALESTINE promoted by Barcelona City Council and organized an international workshop on “Promoting improved access by women and families to reproductive-healthcare services in the Mediterranean area”.

During 2003, Asociación Salud y Familia organized the presentation of the “2003 report on the state of the world population: investing in the health and rights of one billion adolescents and young people prepared by the United Nation’s Population Fund. Moreover, organized and celebrated the Spanish Conference on “Cooperation for Development and Reproductive Health” in Barcelona and a workshop in Tetuan (Morocco) on “Maternal and Reproductive Health: improving access and integration of services in the Mediterranean area”.

During 2004, Asociación Salud y Familia organized an international workshop on “Maternal and Reproductive Health: improving access and integration of services in the Mediterranean Area” and a Regional Conference on “Promoting Links between Immigration and Cooperation for Development Policies in the Mediterranean Area”, both in Barcelona.

During 2005, Asociación Salud y Familia organized a Parliamentary Conference on “Reproductive Health, Poverty and Sociodemographic Vulnerability” in Madrid and another parliamentary and municipal conference about the same topic in Barcelona.
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