The main objectives of this service are:
- Contribute to the development of professional and basic skills.
- To improve the chances of finding work of each woman.
- Give support to each woman in their search of training and employment.
Portfolio of services
- Guidance and encouragement of motivation for academic and professional training.
- Information resources for women jobseekers.
- Help in creating a good resume: writing, editing and advice.
- If necessary, online job search with the user (creating e-mail, log on websites, finding job offers, data entry ...).
Employment resources
- List of temporary agencies in Barcelona (address, web site...).
- List of companies of domestic staff.
- List of web sites dedicated to general job search (infojobs, infoempleo,...)
- list of web sites dedicated to finding work by sector.
Training resources
- Updated list and adapted to profile of schools and courses available on demand by the user: address, price, etc.
- Profiles and registration information for official studies (ESO; FP, etc.): Enrollment period, prices, centres, documentation, etc.