Net of Welcoming Families for Immigrants contribute to develop experiences of understanding cultural diversity. Each welcoming family will live the experience of confront and respond to the needs of information and dialogue between cultures by hosting a new arrived foreign family or a family in reunification process. | ![]() |
What is a welcoming family?
A welcoming family is any native family who voluntarily want to accompany and respond to information needs and intercultural dialogue of a foreign family or a family in reunification process for a period of three months.
A welcoming family is a family rooted in Catalonia that learns with immigrants and opens to the world.
Who can be a welcoming family?
All kinds of families in Catalonia whatever their religious beliefs, their political choices, composition or socioeconomic status. The only requirement is to register in the Network of Welcoming Families for Immigrants register and agree to the terms of volunteer work.
Which kind of support do the welcoming families get?
All welcoming families may receive direct support from a cultural mediator that will facilitate linguistic communication, cultural understanding and the use of some services for immigrants.
Antes del periodo de preinscripción, los centros organizan encuentros, visitas y jornadas de puertas abiertas para que las familias puedan conocer su funcionamiento, los servicios que ofrecen y el proyecto de cada centro o el carácter propio de cada uno.
Aquí se pueden consultar los centros