This Service is addressed to women, men, children and foreign families living in extreme vulnerability and at risk of social exclusion. The main purpose is to achieve standardized access to the healthcare system, giving priority to primary health care and health care for pregnant women and children. The portfolio of provisions includes: |
This service is being carried out in collaboration with a number of different Primary Health Centres and with the existing network of foreigners information and help centres in the city of Barcelona.
Jornada "Accés a l'assistència sanitària i als drets bàsics". Barcelona, 18 de junio de 2013
Taller de buenas prácticas "Acceso de mujeres y familias a recusos de salud y apoyo familiar". Madrid, 23 de octubre de 2013
Jornada "Dret i accés a l'assistència sanitària en un context de crisi". Barcelona, 10 de desembre de 2013