Asociación Salud y Familia is an independent, private and non-profit organization. Its mission is to assist people in accordance with the principle of impartiality, namely, regardless of their origin, ethnicity, gender, nationality, social status or religion. The assistance and services offered by Asociación Salud y Familia include: |
The families subject to the purpose of Asociación Salud y Familia are all the primary structures of life support that crystallize in plural forms of coexistence and, therefore, include among others:
a) Diversity of origin, ethnicity and nationality: native families, immigrant families, families from ethnic minorities and transnational families.
b) Diversity of sexual and generational composition: heterosexual families, single parent families, blended families, gay families and reunified families.
The programs and services developed by Asociación Salud y Familia are aimed to ensure equity of access to public goods such as health, education, housing and justice for families and people who are vulnerable or at risk of social exclusion.
Asociación Salud y Familia maintains an active collaboration with public administrations and simultaneously develops a sustained activity of advocacy to the make the needs of families and vulnerable people a subject of general interest and economic investment by the public authorities.
The Health and Family Association fulfilling its mission reinforces its social and civic commitment by subscribing the Ethical Codes of the Associations of Barcelona and of the Catalan Entities of Social Action
Codigo ético de las Asociaciones de Barcelona
Codigo ético de las Entidades Catalanas de Acción Social
Adhesión al código ético de las Asociaciones de Barcelona
Estatutos de la Asociación Salud y Familia
Cuentas auditadas 2023 de la Asociación Salud y Familia
Cuentas auditadas 2022 de la Asociación Salud y Familia
Cuentas auditadas 2021 de la Asociación Salud y Familia
Plan de igualdad de igualdad de género 2023-2026
Plan de sistema de prevención del blanqueo de capitales y de financiación del terrorismo 2023-2026
Plan de sistemas de evaluación y calidad 2023-2026
Plan de sistemas de transparencia y rendición de cuentas 2023-2026
Memoria de Actividades de la Asociación Salud y Familia 2022
Calidad en la atención a nuestr@s usuari@s
Normas salidas Bancos del Tiempo